Welcome back to another school term! I hope all families had an exciting and refreshing term break.

Interim Reports

School reports were sent home in the mail to all families during the first week of the school holidays. For any reason, if you didn’t receive the reports or you have any concerns, please contact the reception to discuss the problem. It is extremely important to inform the school if you change your address or phone number.


NAPLAN tests are constructed to give students an opportunity to demonstrate skills they have learned over time through the school curriculum, and NAPLAN test days should be treated as just another routine event on the school calendar.

Sirius College has practised an online version of NAPLAN with current Year 3 and Year 5 students in Term 1 and they will sit online NAPLAN in Term 2. We understand that this year’s NAPLAN tests are during the holy month of Ramadan and many students will be fasting during NAPLAN. We have tried our best to schedule all tests in the morning sessions to ensure that students are not tired and exhausted.

2019 NAPLAN test dates are: 14th – 16th May. We will do catch up sessions the following week if students are absent on these dates. The Writing test must be completed on the first two days of testing.

Year 5 students need to complete all NAPLAN tests (Writing, Reading, Language Conventions and Numeracy tests) online. All tests should be completed within 45 minutes. Year 3 students need to complete three NAPLAN tests (Reading, Language Conventions and Numeracy tests) online and Writing will be paper based.


All students have started to get weekly homework (written and online) from the beginning of week 2 of Term 2. Please ensure that they complete and submit their assigned homework tasks on time. It is a good idea to make a weekly study timetable at home to promote positive studying habits. One hour a day is sufficient time to compete their homework. Twenty to thirty minutes of reading is recommended for all students depending on their age. Encourage them to ask their teachers if they don’t understand any part/question during the week. Please check if they have completed all components of the homework and then sign their booklets.

If you would like to discuss anything regarding your child’s progress or have any concerns, please ring the reception to book an appointment with the relevant teachers. I am sure that our teachers will do their best to sort things out in the best manner possible.

Thank you for your ongoing cooperation and support.

Mrs. Amninder Malhi
Teaching and Learning Coordinator